Illustrator Works

An Android-bot inspired couple. Used Illustrator CS4.

I love drawing cartoon characters. These can replace human figures without putting much details and additionally they carry the Fun Quotient helping a lot in gaining people's attention

This is one of the initial illustrations done by me. A self portrait... While practicing Adobe Illustrator thought of putting hands on something more complex like creating illustration of a human face. Chose my own face for the start...:)

This one's for the kind and giving beings on the planet earth. I have an affinity for plants from the very beginning, started with an illustration of a tree and gradually turning it into a social message

As a part of assignment at Arena Animation I was asked to create a comic character (Super-hero) along with comic book cover. This is Deva - the one who was able to control the elements of nature (fire, water, earth and air) at his will.

This is News Paper Ad created for "Akruti", Arena Animation's Annual Fest.

This is News Paper Ad created for "Akruti", Arena Animation's Annual Fest.